COVID - 19
Following the world pandemic that will change the way we live, we have made some adjustments and changes to the way the Tadpole Swim School operates. We have been working hard to ensure all staff are fully trained, risks assessed, new measures put into place to reduce risk, new policies, new procedures, and new lesson plans.
A specially designed Return To Swimming Programme will bring all our hard work together. This page will bring all of the information you need to get back to classes and enjoy lessons once again after a long time out of the water.
What have we done
Reduced class sizes in Tadpoles and Frog classes
No sharing of equipment
Minimal teacher contact
Personal equipment stations
Handheld equipment cleaned in between lesson
New lesson plans designed
A return to swimming program created
Comprehensive teacher COVID training
Full Return to swim thorough training for teacher
Wet wipes and bin on poolside for nose blowing or to catch coughs
Policies and services adapted to reflect the current new normal
Government and NHS guidelines followed
Hand sanitiser station at each venue entrance
Increased cleaning at every venue
Hygiene and cleaning items available throughout each venue
Handheld equipment cleaned in between each lesson
Breaks in between longer sessions to clean
Regular deep cleaning at all venues
Government and NHS guidelines followed
Teacher have cleaning equipment to hand during classes
Staff up skilled in cleaning and hygiene methods
All nappies to be taken home
Good stock of cleaning equipment
Social distancing measures implemented
Face coverings to be worn in all areas except in the pool
Reduced footfall in the venues - temporarily no spectators allowed
Full and thorough risk assessments, risk analysis and safeguards carried out and actions implemented
New operations manual for each pool
Pool plans and revised timings to allow minimal overlap of swimmers in the building
Clear signage and guidance to help swimmers and
Appointed COVID-19 officer
Encouraged hand hygiene by all
Government and NHS guidelines followed
Minimal items brought into the buildings by all
We have made a number of changes to our lessons to ensure that we are meeting recommendations by all official bodies and ensuring the safest environment for both our swimmers and teachers alike.
For our Toads that are able to swim independently, they will see little difference in their classes.
We do request that parents vacate the pool building where possible during lesson unless otherwise invited in class confirmation emails. It is vitally important that face coverings are worn at all times unless in the water to allow spectators to be reintroduced.
For our Toads that still require help, we want to assure you that this will absolutely still be able to occur, we have just had to adapt our approach marginally. Rather than assisting them directly from the front, those that require additional help will be aided from a side perspective, minimising face to face contact and maximising the opportunity for social distancing. The teachers will also make more concerted use of the equipment to assist your little one too.
Rest assured that our lessons will retain the same nurturing approach we have always had and your child will continue to receive all the support they need whilst they learn to swim.
Please can we ask that goggles are correctly fitted by the parents prior to the children entering the water. The teachers will not be able to assist with putting goggles on at the moment unfortunately.