
At Holiday Inn Guildford

Benefits of our Frog Classes:
Provides an important life skill
Teaches water safety
Builds water confidence
Promotes Bonding
Great for physical and mental health
It develops their co-ordination
It builds their strength
It develops their learning/ cognitive skills
It enhances their wellbeing
It provides structure
Our Frogs classes are designed to encourage your toddler’s independence in the water with the safety net of Mum or Dad being in the water with them. There are two groups which are established based on the children’s age and physical capabilities.
In these classes, we really hone in on the fact that toddlers just love to play and use this to help them learn whilst having fun and interactions with their peers - this way, our swimmer’s confidence grows quicker and they will be swimming with a smile on their face.
Lots of our activities are based on games and singing and what we want to see is them kicking their legs, moving their arms, blowing their bubbles, jumping in and chasing toys, all whilst singing, shouting and laughing at the top of their voices.
Winter Timetable
Monday's 10:30am 19th Nov - 21st Jan (excluding 24th and 31st Dec) 8 Weeks only £104
Tuesday's 10.00am 20th Nov - 22nd Jan (excluding 25th Dec and 1st Jan) 8 Weeks only £104
Thursday's 10.00am 22nd Nov - 24th Jan (excluding 27th Dec and 3rd Jan) 8 Weeks only £104
January Timetable
Monday's 10:30am 28th Jan - 25th March (excluding 18th Feb) 8 Weeks only £104
Tuesday's 10:00am 29th Jan - 26th March (excluding 19th Feb) 8 Weeks only £104
Wednesday's 10:00am 30th Jan - 27th March (excluding 20th Feb) 8 Weeks only £104
Thursday's 10:00am 31st Jan - 28th March (excluding 21st Feb) 8 Weeks only £104
Saturday's TBC 1st Feb - 29th March (excluding 22nd Feb) 8 Weeks only £104
Contact Us
Save 20% from your first course fees when you book on with one or more friend.
Please state discuss this when booking on your course at our Guildford pool.
Little Frogs: young toddlers up to preschool age.
Big Frogs: Pre-Schooler/older toddlers – 4 years old.
We want to see all our frogs taking little swims on their own, learning breath control and swimming on their own with a woggle, float and unaided.
Throughout our Frogs classes, our toddlers begin to form their own swimming style and you’ll be able to see their stamina increasing and their swims getting longer and longer.
We’re encouraging children to be happy and confident putting their faces in the water and blowing bubbles.
All of our toddlers will be learning more skills and becoming more safety conscious in the water, as well as starting to learn lifesaving skills.
We want to give our Big Frogs as much independence as possible whilst starting to focus on technique as we start to prepare them for when they’re ready to join our TOADS and have lessons all by themselves.
We help them to develop their balance and coordination further and to move smoothly and streamline through the water.