Tadpole Beginners/b1

Our Tadpole Beginner and B1 swimming lessons are for babies under 8 months who have had little or no experience of being in the pool. The classes are a great introduction for you and baby in the water, in a relaxed and inviting environment.
The primary aim for the beginner’s course is to get both parent and baby comfortable in the water together, enjoying the quality time and growing in confidence each week.
Our structured classes will teach you the best way to hold your baby and get you swimming around together straight away. We encourage lots of eye contact and use singing and simple exercises to provide gentle stimulation to your babies. Throughout the term, you can expect:
An introduction to the pool, enabling magical bonding time between baby and parent.
Our babies will be taught our important verbal cues that will be utilised throughout our class levels. They also serve as the basis from which many later skills are developed from.
Weekly opportunities for your baby to enjoy the freedom of movement and buoyancy that the water offers.
Our babies will begin learning to float on their backs.
They will also begin to learn our practiced water safety techniques.